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Welcoming the Winter!
Earth Keeper's Urban Farm will be going into winter dormancy, but we will be back up and running during the month of March.
Is By Example
YEEAP is an after-school and summer program whose elements include the following:
1. Proper etiquette
2. Anti-Bullying
2. Mental health and respect for the earth
3. Nutrition and physical fitness
4. Leadership and advocacy
5. Entrepreneurship
6. Instruction and practice regarding urban gardening
At Earth’s Keepers Urban Farm we empower students.
Topics covered:
Social etiquette
Communication etiquette
Cell phone etiquette
Table manners
Business etiquette
Job interview preperation
Be a buddy, not a bully
Understanding soil and its composition
Building a raised bed
From seed to plant
How fruits and vegetables are grown and its importance
Instruction on how to develop and maintain an organic vegetable plant
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